Why coaching?

"I turned to coaching because I felt a bit directionless. I felt unsure about my next steps in life and it was causing me anxiety."

"I turned to coaching because I am struggling to find time / energy to create / grow freelance work"

"I turned to coaching because I am transitioning after quitting a job"

How can transformative coaching help?

Transformative coaching is focused on the future. It invites you to explore your relationship with others and the world around you. It offers clarity by looking at your values and belief systems; coaching can create more self-awareness and sense of self.

Transformative coaching is different to counselling and will not ‘look back’, instead it focuses on goal setting, exploration of your current position and focuses on moving you forward. Coaching is also non-advisory, instead you will be challenged and guided to make your own discovery of the answers you already have, but just haven’t discovered yet.

Who can it help?

Anyone can benefit from coaching; the process is focused on a discovery of the self, your values, your motivation and your strengths. If you’ve ever found yourself thinking any of the following you’re not alone!

  • What should I do next?
  • I’m not good enough…
  • I feel trapped
  • I’m ok, I’m just not very…happy

How can I help?

As a Transformative Coach I work with groups or individuals on a one-to-one basis either online or in person. Get to know me a bit more here or learn more about the coaching process here.

Contact me to book an initial complimentary session.


SorchaTeacher, London

I would say coaching with you has changed my life for the better in so many ways. I learned to be excited by the unknowns in my future. Critically I have learned that an uncertain future is nothing to be scared of when I trust myself to cope, adjust and make the most of any eventuality. I learned to recognise unhelpful thinking patterns and strategies to adjust them. I learned how to be kinder to myself. I have gained the language around personal values, and how to recognise when I'm acting and living within them.


I thought my problem was to do with laziness, procrastination or lack of confidence in promoting myself, but discovered that actually I was trying to do something that was based on something that was no longer true. The reason that I was struggling to build / grow my freelance was that it was no longer really what I wanted and that I had created this idea at a point in the pandemic when it seemed like the only viable way forward. Your questioning allowed me to see that I had been stuck in a pandemic mindset but that things had moved on, so my plans need to adapt accordingly.